API response fields description
The most powerful and complete data API in the short-term rental market
List of all data fields you get with a single API request
*Some data may not be available for every property
Property details
name: the name of the property.
maxGuestCapacity: the maximum number of guests the property can accommodate.
bedrooms: the number of bedrooms.
beds: the number of beds.
bathrooms: the number of bathrooms. One full bathroom is a bathroom that contains precisely 1 sink, 1 bathtub, 1 shower and 1 toilet. A half bath is just a toilet and sink. There isn’t a shower or tub in it, so a house with 1.5 baths has one full bathroom and one-half bath.
bathroomShared: 0 if the bathroom is eclusive, 1 if it is shared.
propertyType: The type of property (Condominium, Villa, Bungalow, Farm stay etc.).
roomType: The type of room (entire_home, private_room, shared_room etc.).
bed_type: The type of bed (real_bed, pull_out_sofa, airbed etc.).
currency: the currency used by default by the listing’s owner (EUR, USD etc.).
active: 1 if active, 0 if not active, suspended, in error.
amenities: a list of properties’ amenities’ list (Tv, Pool, Wifi, Kitchen etc.).
airbnb_id: The airbnb property id.
vrbo_id: The VRBO property id if identified.
Host details
Id: the listing owner id.
isSuperhost: 1 if the host is a superhost, 0 if not.
first_name: host first name.
about_info: host’s about info (if filled by the user).
creation_date: date the host signed up.
verified: 1 if account is verified, 0 if not.
listing_count: number of properties managed by the host.
location: host’s location.
picture: host picture url.
response_rate: the percentage of new enquiries and reservation requests the host responded to.
response_time: the average amount of time that it took for the host to respond to all new messages
reviewee_count: the number of times the host has received a review.
verifications: the verification methods used by the host (email, phone number etc.)
work: host’s work info (if filled by the user).
Geo data
State: the listing’s state
admin1, admin2, admin3 and admin4: administrative divisions (E.g. Canary Islands, Provincia de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Adeje, Callao Salvaje). Deep of admin levels depends on each country.
city: the listing’s city.
zipcode: the listing’s zip code.
latitude and longitude: the listing’s latitude and longitude as on the OTA portal.
market: the listing’s market name.
Listing reviews
An array of the of the last 12 month listing’s reviews. Each review element contains:
review_id: the review’s id.
comments: the review tet (if any).
response: the host answer (if any).
date_time: the review’s date and time.
language: the language of the review.
rating: the rating associated to the review.
guest_id: the id of the guest who wrote the review
starRating: the overall property rating.
accuracyRating: the rating on how accurate and up-to-date listings photos and info are.
checkinRating: the rating on how fast and easy is the check-in process.
cleanlinessRating: the reting about listing’s cleanliness.
communicationRating: rating about how much promptly the Host respond to messages.
cancel_policy: the listing’s cancel poligi (E.g.: firm)
min_nights: min nights stay length.
max_nights: max nights stay length.
instant_bookable: 1 if instant booking is enabled with no limits, 0 otherways.
check_in_time: The time from which it is possible to check in.
check_out_time: The latest time by which guest need to check out
license_number: if any, as entered by guest.
license_required: if a short-term rental license is required for the listing.
cleaning_fee_native: listing’s cleaning fee in native currency.
weekly_discount: listing’s weekly stays discount.
monthly_discount: listing’s monthly stays discount.
Property economics
revenue_ltm: revenues, in USD, generated by the property.
occupancy_rate_ltm: the percentage of booked nights out of the total available nights.
average_daily_rate_ltm: the daily average rate of booked nights.
days_available_ltm: the total number of nights the property has been available.
Listing LTM data
An array containig, for each of the last 12 months:
month: month and year data are referring to.
occupancy: the average occupancy for that month.
avg_price: the average daily rate for that month.
Area LTM data
An array containig, for each of the last 12 months:
month: month and year data are referring to.
occupancy: the average occupancy for that month for similar listings.
avg_price: the average daily rate for that month for similar listings.
Extra data
Additional data availability and type of data depend on the source, which may or may not include details such as the property’s exact are location and data source specific. The full list of possible values that we try to collect is:
license_number, address, logitude, latitude, local_contact_name, local_contact_phone, local_contact_email, license_cir, license_cin, owner_name, owner_lastname, owner_fullname, owner_fiscal_code, owner_email, owner_pec, owner_phone, owner_mobile, listing_county, listing_province, listing_municipality, listing_city, listing_state, listing_neighborhood, listing_email, listing_phone, zipcode, street_number.
From our standard API is possible to preview, for each listing, which fields are currently available.
We actively seek out new data sources when customers request additional information for specific areas. If no extra data is currently available for the properties in your area of interest, please contact us, and we’ll do our best to find the information you need.
Example response
Get a real response example from the InsideBnB’s short-term rental market direct API.